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Visual Communication Design

A visual communication design project that uses typeface, poster, and illustrations to visualize the vibe of my hometown Nantong - a tiny city locates where the Yangtze River runs into the Pacific Ocean.

Jiangfenghaiyun posters.001.jpeg

“江风海韵”, which means the wind by the river and the rhythm of the ocean, is a visual communication project that presents the cultural heritages and the vibe of my hometown Nantong. For thousand years, it used to be an island isolated from the land and formed its own dialects and religion that were different from any city around.

Typeface design, illustrations, posters and stickers are created by abstraction and a combination of cultural heritages like the phrase of dialects, the graphic on the special card games, the patterns of traditional clothes, and landmark architectures in Nantong. 


“蓝印花布”, also known as blue calico, is the traditional hand-make cloth with iconic graphics in the form of white dots and short lines on blue cloth. Originating in Nantong, this kind of pattern is created by the scratch removing the wax attached to the cloth before it was dyed with herbal pigment.

I create the typeface of Chinese characters with dots and short lines to mimic the traditional pattern of the cloth.


The historic bell tower, the TV tower, the Haonan Mansion, the cultural heritages like Tongzixi Opera, Whistle Kites, and Blue Calico are combined into the set of posters. Carrying a large of my childhood memories, they are the symbols that can be most representative of Nantong in my perspective.

sticker inspiration.001.png

Nantonhua is the dialect that is used by people living in the center of Nantong City. Different from any other dialects nearby in pronunciation, it represents the thousand years histories of Nantong being a lonely island away from the land and gradually connected to the continent by the sedimentation of the Yangtze River. I collected several phrases that were only being said in Nantonghua Dialect and created the stickers based on their meanings and using context.

Combined the pattern of Blue Calico and the graphics on the cards of "长牌”, the unique card game originally played in Nantong, the character of the stikers are designed with the similar vibe of the traditional art form.

Doing nothing in the daytime and doing busy at night (describe procrastinator)

Waiting in infatuation


Go nuts

Slack off


Dead Crab

​(come to a deadlock)

Watch the boisterous,

being a rubberneck


Very similar to "Whoa!"/"Jesus Christ!"

Play dumb/

being absent-minded


Being busy

Relaxed and

feeling comfortable


Doing awesome/good job

No thanks/I'd better not


Being sleepy

Dumb and timid


What's up

See you soon

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